

Hong Kong as a Platform to Expand Our Business and Create New Investment Opportunities in Greater China and Canada

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and the Hong Kong-Canada Business Association (HKCBA) jointly presents the 7th Transpacific Entrepreneurial Virtual Conference. Hong Kong's long-standing reputation as a renowned international business and financial hub has provided a launching ground for entrepreneurs and a platform for overseas business expansion into China and Asia for many generations.

Now, more than ever, we will continue to build upon this entrepreneurial spirit and encourage more Canadians to use Hong Kong as a platform to expand their business eastward and vice versa.

In this annual event, business and industry leaders, entrepreneurs, start-ups and government representatives will share how businesses can tap into the vast investment opportunities presented by Greater China and Canada.


  • Current opportunities for expanding into Canada and/or Greater China
  • Greater Bay Area Initiatives - the impact & possibilities to Hong Kong
  • Strategies for ensuring business success in China
  • Practical knowledge and experience about the start-up and venture capital ecosystems
  • Future growth prospects for SMEs despite global disruptions
  • End-of-day networking sessions with speakers, moderators and attendees



DAY 1 – SESSION 1: Strategies to Expand Your Business Growth in Canada

If you are considering expanding your business into the Canadian market, what are some of the most important upfront considerations to contemplate? Hear from on the ground experts in commercial banking leader Rebecca Pang of RBC and lawyer Stephen Green of Green and Speigel LLP, based in Toronto, Canada, on how they have helped companies from Asia set up in Canada, as well as first-hand experience from entrepreneur Adam Turnbull who recently decided to move his business and family back from China to Canada. The panel is moderated by Arthur Chan, National Chair of the Hong Kong Canada Business Association.

Rebecca Pang

Vice President, Financial Services, Diversified Asian Markets

RBC (Toronto)

DAY 1 - SESSION 2: Incentives to Support Your Business & Investment in Canada

Hear from some of Canada’s provinces and a HK-based investor that has recently established an office in Toronto about why you should consider Canada when looking to grow your footprint outside of Asia. Whether you’re an established company or a start up, Canada has great incentives and programs to help you succeed and boasts access to 1.5 billion consumers across 51 countries due to extensive free trade agreements. The panel will be introduced and moderated by the Consul General of Canada, Jeff Nankivell.

Kimberley Cole

Global Head of Sales & Marketing

Lynk Global

Ron Hoffmann

Senior Representative to Asia Pacific Basin & COO

Invest Alberta Corporation

John Thomas

Team Lead, Europe and Asia, Foreign Direct Investment Services Branch

Province of Ontario

Claire Yu

Director, Asia Pacific and Middle East

Invest Québec International

DAY 1 - SESSION 3: The Greater China Business Strategy

In this session, we hear from the heads of three Canadian business associations in China on what it’s really like to do business in China. What are the trends shaping growth in China and creating new opportunities? Will the sheer size of the market ensure your company’s success? However, what risks come with your company’s growth? This is where establishing the right strategic positioning is important. Many joint ventures have been successful but are there lessons to be learned for Canadian companies considering expanding their presence into China? And lastly, how do companies engage with consumers and out-pace their competitors in a post-Covid China?



DAY 2 - SESSION 1: Accessing Capital in Canada & Asia

In conversation with Terence Chow, Joseph Fung will speak about how to obtain capital in Hong Kong and in Canada. Raymond Wong will speak about the role of the HK Science and Technology Park as being the biggest ecosystem platform with capital in Hong Kong while also showcasing the start-up and venture capital ecosystems in Toronto, Waterloo, Vancouver and Calgary. Christopher Chen will provide an overview of the public funding avenues provided through the Innovation and Technology Fund, the government venture capital fund. 

DAY 2 - SESSION 2: Start-up Pitch Anatomy 101  

Did you know that is worth over US$1 billion and was founded in Hong Kong? Did you know that 8Securities, Hong Kong's biggest mobile stock trading platform sold to a big US tech company in 2020? Did you know that Canadian startups raised nearly $1 Billion in investment in Q3 of a global pandemic? During this session, Casey Lau, co-host of RISE and co-founder of StartupsGBA and Startbase Canada joins early-stage tech startup investors from Canada, Hong Kong and the US to share insights into what they look at when hearing a startup pitch. The panel will do a live examination to an audience of potential angel investors of what to look for in a startup pitch to see if it is suitable for investment, so you can start your journey as an angel investor in the lucrative tech space.

DAY 2 - SESSION 3: Hong Kong's Access to Investment Opportunities and Prospect in GBA  

The GBA is merely 0.6% of China’s landmass, has but 5% of its population, yet accounts for 12% of the country’s GDP. As a standalone economy, it’s already the 13th largest in the world, generating an economic output of US$1.7 trillion in 2019. With the weight of China’s five-year plan, the GBA is poised for tremendous growth. Will you be ready? Join this session to hear our panel of experts discuss the opportunities both for investors using Hong Kong as a base for the GBA and also professional service providers to these investors. Drawing from their experience they will cover perspectives as diverse as technology-related companies who will make GBA overtake Silicon Valley and financial service groups including Family Offices who will tap into the fastest wealth creation zone in the world.


Iggy Chong (Moderator)

Head of Private Banking, Greater China

RBC (Hong Kong)


Dixon Wong

Head of Financial Services


John Wong

Family Business and Private Client Services Leader

PwC (Hong Kong)

DAY 2 - SESSION 4: Innovations and New Ideas Inspired in the Toughest Times

As the pandemic presents new obstacles and challenges, companies have been generating innovative ideas and products that enable and encourage new capabilities towards revised goals. In this Panel, the speakers will share their experience on how they have been conducting business against all odds in 2020 and share their view of the future within their respective industries.



Special thanks to Madeleine Behan, Chair of CanChamHK Entrepreneur & Small Business Committee, for her dedication and leadership of this conference.






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